Sunday, November 20, 2011

C'mon, Really?

     I just love seeing new followers on my page, so I'll take a moment to say thanks.  Anybody who reads what I have to say, whether they like it or not, deserves my gratitude.  Another thing to anybody who reads; always feel free (or reasonably inexpensive!) to leave feedback on any of my blogs, so I always know how you feel.  Again, thanks a ton.
     Okay, on to business.  It may be that I've been reading a great deal of spiritual books as of late (or what you bible thumpers out there consider "fiction"), but I am constantly shocked and appalled by the complete lack of general morality that goes with living on this planet nowadays.  People out there seem to be aiming to reach a new low, and I'm not even sure if ANYBODY is aware of it.  Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint by any stretch of the imagination, but there are a few cases I've heard about that just seem to surprise even me.
     My wife called me this morning from our church where she was having a girl scout cookie sale for my daughter and her troop.  While it was wonderful that our local community took time and money to help a cause that supports women everywhere, I was informed of something kind of disturbing.  Between masses, my wife was told by the church staff that if she needed to leave for any reason, she may want to pack up all of her product and take it with her until she returns because there was a man that hangs around with "sticky fingers".  At first, I was wondering if the term meant that the guy was a child molester or something (I don't hear that term very often), but I was soon informed that it meant he walks around stealing pretty much anything that isn't bolted to the floor.  Okay, I know people steal things nowadays; that doesn't surprise me.  But, in a church, while mass is being conducted?  The only words I can muster about this are, "What the fuck!?"  Evidently the church also can't do much about it because he has to be caught in the act to prosecute, otherwise it would be unlawful and they could face a lawsuit.  Interesting, huh?
     A woman is currently on trial for murdering her three children.  Why would someone commit such a heinous crime, would you ask?  She found out that there was a life insurance policy on them and wanted to cash in with their lives.  In my opinion, even if you wanted to throw morality and ethics out the window in this case, did this person really think she would get to keep the money after the authorities found out?  Seriously, what the hell?
     I could share more anecdotes about what's happening out there, but I don't have to because anybody who reads the press or spends any time on the Internet now sees this every day.  I truly think that there are a lot of people out there who should really examine their conscience, or, try to acquire one.  I'll never go out of my way to say directly to anybody, "Don't do this." or, "You can't do that." when it comes to anything that walks a gray area.  If you're among those I've done this to, sorry and know I'm trying to shut up most of the time.  On the other hand, I do think that the world needs to start getting the concept that for anybody you wrong in our existence, there will be consequences for it and you should probably try to stop.
     To close this article, I will just say that while it is much more difficult to love than to hate, the rewards of the harder thing are far better than the consequences of the easier one.  If everybody who reads this tries to remember that out in society (I said try, not always deliver!  Even I screw up most of the time.), the world would be just that much better off.  Again, thanks for listening.

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